Close the Gap Between Education and Industry

Close the Gap Between Education and Industry

At the end of 2021, employers were struggling to fill 10.9 million open roles. This hiring gap is due, in part, to new graduates not having the right technical skills for available opportunities.

As educators, successfully ensuring the transition from school to career for students can be daunting, especially when some students lack the opportunities and resources to learn the knowledge and skills that would benefit them most. What’s the solution? By utilizing career-connected learning, you can prepare your students with the specific capabilities and connections they need to thrive after graduation. Learn more about the benefits of career-connected learning, including:

  • Building awareness of high-value local careers
  • Teaching math through the lens of careers
  • Connecting employers to students

The Gap Between Education and Industry

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Related Resources

From Classroom to Career: Strengthening Connections Between Education and the Workforce for Student Success

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